Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Megan Hildebrandt

Historian/performance artist Megan Hildebrandt is currently in
residence creating yet another of her entertaining and historically
accurate Performance Art pieces. This performance will be an
invigorated, interactive exploration via PowerPoint and performance
of both the history and contemporary culture of Fort Worden. The
“Alternative History Lesson” PPT will include projections of
historically based drawings and photographs, with a healthy dose of
humor and contemporary, everyday life references.

Says Hildebrandt of the new work:
“It will be a remarkable opportunity to enjoy both some local history
and contemporary art. The performance will explore Fort Worden’s
multiple identities over the past hundred years as an active military
base, a juvenile detention facility, and as a state park. How would
John Lorimer Worden, the USS Monitor Commander for whom the Fort
was named, relate to the park as a Juvenile Facility, or as a tourist
attraction? Who are the people Fort Worden’s batteries and buildings
are named for? What was life like here at the Fort during the various
periods in its history?

I will also include the past and present of the “City of Dreams”, Port
Townsend. What was the role of the railroad in the destiny of the
city, and what are the industries that have fed the citizens of Port
Townsend, such as the imports of lumber from the port and the local
paper mill?”

To get an idea of Megan’s unique style, take a look at this 3 part
video recording of "The Rumors Are True!”… a performance/exhibit
that just wrapped up in Baltimore, Maryland.

Part 1 "The Rumors are True" Part 2 Part 3

The Port Townsend performance date and location are not yet confirmed.
Please contact for details.

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